Dr. W. Patrick Arnott


Atmospheric Science Program
Department of Physics University
of Nevada Reno

  • Resumen curricular:

W. P. Arnott B.S. degree in Physics is from the University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo, 1980-1984; He worked on theory of phased array laser diodes during a summer internship at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center; MS and PhD degrees in Physics are from Washington State University with research topic on geometrical aspects of wave propagation and scattering, 1984-1988; 1988-2001 Postdoc at the National Center for Physical Acoustics, University of Mississippi, working on geometrical aspects of thermoacoustic heat engines as environmentally friendly acoustical refrigerators and acoustic to seismic coupling measurements; 1992-2005 Desert Research Institute Atmospheric Science Center, working on in situ sampling of cirrus clouds, geometrical aspects of infrared radiation transfer, and development of photoacoustic instruments for aerosol optics measurements, with applications to combustion efficiency in cars, air pollution, and climate (2 patents and 2 instruments transferred to industry for manufacture), and taught courses in Physics and Atmospheric Science; 2005-present, Department of Physics, UNR, as director of the undergrad Atmospheric Science program and researcher in photoacoustic spectroscopy of aerosol; developed another instrument for industry. He was the cowinner of the Benjamin Liu Award for outstanding contributions to aerosol instrumentation and techniques in 2013. Much of my success is due to Mr. Adrian Gonzalez for his excellent high school curriculum on microelectronics at East High School in Pueblo Colorado.