Dr. David Gochis


National Center for Atmospheric
Research Laboratory (NCAR)
Hydrometeorological Applications Program

  • Resumen curricular:

Affiliation: National Center for Atmospheric Research
Title: Scientist III

Dr. Gochis has conducted field observation and modeling research at the National Center Atmospheric Research (NCAR) since 2002. His academic background is inter-disciplinary between the meteorological and hydrological sciences and civil and agricultural engineering disciplines having earned degrees in both Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology and Water Resources. Prior to returning to academia Dr. Gochis worked as a consulting engineer for CH2MHill in Portland, Oregon where he conducted channel hydraulics, water resource and irrigation design studies. His current research interests include hydrometeorology, hydroclimatology, and land surface hydrology. His main research foci have been on observation, diagnosis and modeling of precipitation, snowpack and runoff processes in complex terrain with specific emphasis on the inter-mountain west and monsoon systems. He has lead and collaborated in several domestic and international field campaigns. Dr. Gochis’s research develops and employs weather, climate and hydrological models, to improve understanding and prediction of regional hydrometeorological and hydroclimatological processes.