Prof. Alexander Baklanov

World Meteorological
Organization (WMO)

  • Resumen curricular:


Alexander Baklanov (PhD in Physics & Mathematics (Geophysics) – 1983, Dr.Sci. in Physics & Mathematics (Meteorology and Climatology) – 1998, Professor in Meteorology – 2008) has more than 30 years of experience in environmental and atmospheric research, in particular in developing a new generation of online coupled meteorology-chemistry models. He has published about 400 scientific publications, including 14 books and almost 200 peer-reviewed papers. He led many international research projects, supervised 10 PhD students, he is a visiting/adjoint/honour professor in four European universities, organiser of several international scientific conferences and young scientist summer schools, Editor in chief of the Urban Climate journal. Worked in international research teams in Russia, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland.

See more information and his extended CV on:


Créditos: Pietro Villalobos Peñalosa