Dr. Aaron Boone


(Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques),
Toulouse, France

  • Resumen curricular:

Aaron Boone has worked in the fields of meteorology and hydrology since the late 1980s. The focus of his work has been on the development and testing of new physics related to land surface hydrology, planetary boundary layer processes and land-atmosphere coupling. He obtained his bachelors degree in meteorology from Northern Illinois University (Dekalb , IL, USA), receiving the Outstanding Senior in Meteorology award. During his masters thesis work (1988-1992, under the direction of Dr. P. Ray) at the Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL, USA), he developed methods and algorithms for the monitoring and forecasting of tropical weather systems and determining favourable areas for convective development using single Doppler radar data. After graduating from FSU, he worked at the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC, Greenblet, MD, USA) in the mesoscale atmospheric processes division on surface-planetary boundary layer interactions (1992-1997). Much of his work centered on the development of the Parameterization for Land-Atmosphere-Cloud Exchange (PLACE) land-surface-planetary boundary layer model at NASA-GSFC. He performed research related participation in various international projects, and collaborated on projects related to coupling the model to different atmospheric mesoscale research models (MM5, and the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model, GCE). He next went to the Centre National de Recherches Métérorologiques (CNRM), Météo-France, first as a visiting scientist, then for his PhD work (1997-2000, under the supervision of Dr. J. Noilhan), graduating from Paul Sabatier Univ., Toulouse, France. His dissertation was centered on the introduction of improved snow, hydrological and soil processes within the soil-vegetation atmosphere transfer model Interactions between the Soil Biosphere Atmosphere (ISBA) which is used in offline applications and coupled to various numerical weather prediction models (AROME, used for mesoscale operational weather forecasts, MesoNH, a mesoscale research model, and ARPEGE, the global NWP and climate model). During 2002-2003, he worked on the development of a land-surface hydrological model platform at the Centre d'Etudes de la Biosphere (CESBIO) in Toulouse, and then on the development of snow cover detection algorithms using remote sensing data. Since 2003, he has been working in the Groupe Météorlogique Meso-Echelle (GMME) division at CNRM, Météo-France. In terms of international activities, he is currently co-chair of the Global Land Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) panel of GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project), and he is a member of the joint NASA-CNES (French space agency) satellite mission SWOT-SDT (Surface Water Ocean Topography-Science Definition Team), in addition to other international collaborations and national activities. He has published over 60 peer reviewed papers, and has supervised and co-supervised numerous masters and PhD students.


El Dr. Aaron Boone realizó estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Toulouse, Francia en investigación sobre un modelo de transferencia suelo-vegetación y atmósfera. Ha trabajado en meteorología e hidrología con énfasis en el desarrollo de la física de la hidrología superficial, procesos de capa límite planetaria y la relación tierra-atmósfera. Ha participado en diversos proyectos internacionales, publicado más de sesenta artículos científicos y supervisado numerosos estudiantes a nivel posgrado. Actualmente labora en el Centro Nacional de Investigación Meteorológica Météo- France.