(MARR) received his first degree in Communications and Electronic Engineering and an MEng degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Guanajuato (Mexico) and the PhD degree in the field of weather radar from the University of Bristol (UK) in 2004 under the supervision of Prof. Ian Cluckie. His PhD research work (2000-2004) focused on improving the estimation of precipitation with weather radars. In particular, he worked with a mobile vertically pointing weather radar to study the variation of the vertical reflectivity profile of precipitation in order to develop algorithms to extrapolate radar rainfall measurements to the ground. He also worked on the classification of precipitation particles (e.g. rain, snow, melting snow) and developed a classification scheme that can be used with polarimetric weather radars. In 2004-2007,
MARR worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant on the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium funded by EPSRC where he developed a novel algorithm based on artificial intelligence techniques to classify non-meteorological echoes (e.g. ground clutter echoes, sea clutter echoes, and anomalous propagation echoes) using operational dual-polarisation radars. MARR is currently a Senior Lecturer in radar hydrology and hydroinformatics within the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Bristol.
The quantitative measurement and forecasting of precipitation is crucial for predicting and mitigating the effects of flood-producing storms. My research interests fall in the area of flood forecasting with radar and numerical weather prediction models for the real-time prediction and management of severe storms. My research areas can be broadly classified into three themes:
- Quantitative precipitation estimation with weather radars,
- Short-term precipitation forecasting using radar and numerical weather prediction models,
- Propagation of rainfall measurement/forecast uncertainty into hydrological (rural and urban catchments) and hydraulic models (e.g. inundation models).
MARR has supervised 2 PhD students as main supervisor and 3 PhD students as second supervisor. MARR has published over 35 refereed journal papers, 10 refereed conference papers in the IAHS red book series and over 20 research papers in various international conferences http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/person/miguel-a-rico-ramirez/index.html
MARR is also a member of the UK Inter-agency Committee on Hydrological Use of Weather Radar (http://www.iac.rl.ac.uk/) and a member of the British Hydrological Society South West Committee
http://www.hydrology.org.uk/South-west.php .
El Dr. Rico realizó sus estudios de doctorado en la Universidad de Bristol, en el Reino Unido, enfocado en la estimación de la precipitación por radar. Sus estudios de posdoctorado se han enfocado en el desarrollo de algoritmos basados en técnicas de inteligencia artificial para la investigación con radares. Ha publicado numerosos trabajos en revistas internacionales y actualmente se desempeña como Profesor Titular en Hidrología e Hidroinformática en la Universidad de Bristol en el Reino Unido.