Dr. Nicola Pirrone


Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research of the National Research

  • Resumen curricular:

Dr. Pirrone graduated (1989) in Nuclear Engineering at University of Pisa in Italy worked (1989-1997) as post-doc at IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) and University of Michigan. He is currently Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IIA) in Rome (www.iia.cnr.it) and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Health Sciences of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, USA (http://www.umich.edu/).

Dr. Pirrone serves as expert for major international and national public and private organizations in the field of environmental research and policy development. He is Italian Representative and Head of Italian Delegations in several International Conventions (i.e., UNECE-EMEP, UNECE-HTAP, OSPAR) and programmes (i.e., UNEP, GEOSS) and Chair of European Commission working groups related to Air Quality Directives, mercury contamination, and link between natural sciences and socio-economic sciences. Currently he is Chair of the UNEP Global Mercury Fate and Transport Partnership (http://www.unep.org/) aimed to provide scientific support to the UNEP Governing Council in preparing the international treaty on mercury, Chair of the WG on Mercury as part of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants under the UNECE-LRTAP convention (http://www.htap.org/), and Chair of the GEO Task “Tracking Pollutants” as part of the GEO Work Plan (2012-2015) to support GEOSS (http://www.earthobservation.org/).

Has been Principal Investigator of over 50 research projects funded by International, European and National funding agencies on emission, transport and deposition of atmospheric pollutants, development of observation systems and environmental policy. He has published over 200 papers in the peer-reviewed literature, books and international conference proceedings. He has been Chair/Session Chair/Invited Speaker in several international and national conferences and workshops related to regional an global scale atmospheric pollution and international environmental policy as well as key note speaker in several universities and research institutions covering different aspects of air pollution, environmental legislation and policy.

He serves as private expert for major national and international funding agencies in Europe and North America. He is peer-reviewer and guest editor for leading international journals in the field of environmental pollution and for proposal and carrier evaluation for major research and university institutions.

El Dr. Pirrone es graduado en Ingeniería Nuclear por la Universidad de Pisa, en Italia. Trabajó en un posdoctorado en el International Institute for Appliled Systems Analysis (IIASA) en Austria y en la Universidad de Michigan. Ha conducido más de 50 trabajos de investigación con fondos de agencias nacionales e internacionales acerca de la emisión, transporte y depósito de contaminantes atmosféricos. Actualmente es Director del Instituto de Investigación sobre Contaminación Atmosférica del Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Italia, en Roma, y Profesor Adjunto en el Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Michigan.