Dr. David Raymond


Physics Department and
Geophysical Research Center

  • Resumen curricular:

An abiding interest in atmospheric convection constitutes the single most important thread running though my work in the atmospheric sciences. Observational programs over the years have been inspirational in my studies of this subject. Early in my career I worked on simplified models of mesoscale convective systems, starting with studies of the Tradewind showers occurring off the east coast of the Island of Hawaii, where I lived at the time. After moving to New Mexico in 1973, I worked in observational programs related to convection over New Mexico mountains. This led to the development and verification of ideas about vertical mixing in shallow convection. In 1991 I participated in a seminal field program on tropical cyclogenesis called TEXMEX, which was based in Acapulco, Mexico. This project was led by Kerry Emanuel of MIT and resulted in the development of many of the ideas that have been refined and extended in recent work. In 2001 I led another project based in Mexico, EPIC2001, which studied (among other things) the climatology of ITCZ convection in the east Pacific south of Huatulco, where the project was based. This followed earlier field work during TOGA COARE (Solomon Islands, 1992) and HaRP (Hilo, Hawaii, 1990). Most recently, the T-PARC/TCS08 program in the western Pacific (2008) and the PREDICT program in the western Atlantic and Caribbean (2010) have been fertile ground for the development of new ideas related to the formation of tropical cyclones. A related thread has been the effort to understand how convection works in the context of large-scale tropical motions. This has led to an effort to develop a parameterization of convection for large-scale atmospheric models that is constrained by the results of cloud-resolving models of convection. Observations of convection in various field programs have been instrumental in providing real world checks on this modeling.


El Dr. Raymond obtuvo el doctorado en Física por la Universidad de Stanford. Su campo de investigación es el estudio de la formación de ciclones tropicales, huracanes y tifones, también la formación de tormentas eléctricas y la interacción océano-atmósfera en el Pacífico tropical del este. El Dr. Raymond  trabajó en la Universidad de Hawaii y en la actualidad es investigador en el Institute of Mining and Technology, en Nuevo México.